Motivation is the key
I think one of the most important thing when learning a new language is to be sure you are really motivated. Find motivation, understand your motivation and find ways to keep motivated.
Motivation is the first key you need in learning a language because it is what will keep you going when you struggle because of course you will struggle. As you did when learning how to speak your native language or when learning how to walk. Those you actually needed them to survive, but do you really need another language to survive? Probably not, so you have to make sure that your motivation will make you thrive into that beautiful journey of learning a new language.

Je propose de vous aider dans ce 'journey' en vous accompagnant dans votre formation professionnel en Anglais. J'ai vu des professionnels progresser de façon incroyable en quelques mois seulement. N'hésitez pas à prendre votre apprentissage en main, seul vous le pouvez et cela vous apportera beaucoup !